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Ice cream and revenue growth

If you ate ice cream every night you would suffer the consequences. Weight gain being principle among them. Ergo, if you want to lose weight, skipping the ice cream is a good idea.

If you eat the ice cream and are unable to lose weight you would know who to blame.

It's simple cause and effect.

If your are trying to grow your top line revenue the same principle applies. Most organizations, either directly or implicitly, try to apply more of the same effort to get more revenue.

That might work.

A little.

Companies that achieve breakthrough growth know getting a result you haven't gotten in the past will require doing things you have never done.

Stop putting more effort into the things that aren't producing the results you desire. Find the thing you aren't doing that will change the game.

It's usually a whole lot harder than what you are doing today. That's why it's so valuable. And why it produces a different result.

Q: What do you continue to do that fails to produce results you desire? Why?

Cattle Drive Management

Keeping a long and short view